Are You Qualified For Asbestos Trust Payments?


In order to qualify for an asbestos trust payment, you must

  • Be diagnosed with one of several specific asbestos-related diseases
  • Have spent at least six months exposed to the specific trust company’s asbestos; and
  • Have been exposed to asbestos from any source for at least five cumulative years. 

This questionnaire asks you to provide basic information on the medical condition(s) you currently have, your military service if you are a veteran, and your civilian employment.

Keep in mind that CTC will not represent you until you and CTC sign a representation agreement. CTC has no obligation to do anything on your behalf until the representation agreement is signed. 

CTC very much wants to help you obtain asbestos trust compensation if you qualify. 

If you are interested in finding out if you might be eligible for compensation from asbestos trusts, please complete the following questionnaire. When you have completed the questionnaire, click on the SUBMIT button to send the information to us. We will get back to you quickly with our assessment of whether you may qualify for one or more of the trusts. 

We will treat any information you provide with complete confidentiality.


Asbestos Trusts Compensation Eligibility Form

This questionnaire asks for the bare minimum of information necessary for ClearTrustClaims to determine if you may qualify for trust compensation.  Actually obtaining compensation will require that you and ClearTrustClaims work together to obtain the highly detailed additional information needed for asbestos trust applications.  ClearTrustClaims will be able to determine whether you are likely to qualify for compensation only after we have gathered the necessary detailed information.

If you are interested in contacting CTC to see if you might be eligible for compensation from asbestos trusts, please complete the following questionnaire.  When you have completed the questionnaire, click on the Submit button to send the information to us.

 Current Information

* Denotes required fields

 Medical Information

All of the asbestos trusts have very similar lists of medical conditions for which the trust will provide compensation. These conditions are asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, a few rare other cancers, and breathing problems caused by damage to the lungs.

Have you been diagnosed with:

Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Colo-rectal, laryngeal, esophageal, pharyngeal, or stomach cancer?

Asbestosis or severe asbestosis?

Scarring on both of your lungs?

Has any of your doctors told you that your medical condition is due to asbestos?

 Military Service

If you served in the military, please provide the following information:

 Civilian Employment

Please provide the following information about any civilian employment that you believe may have involved exposure to asbestos.

 Additional Information

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